There are 2 types of Shipping Methods through which you can get delivery from our webpage.
Express Service - 4-5 Days Delivery Nationwide (Paid Delivery )
Courier Service - 4-5 Days Nationwide (Paid Delivery)
Express Service
All Cash on Delivery Orders will be through Express Service Only. Buyers who purchase through Credit/Debit Card or Bank Deposit can also avail this service.
There is an associated shipment cost for this delivery depending on the LED TV model you purchase and the city in which you require delivery. This amount will be conveyed to you before checkout.
Order Cutoff Time is 1 PM after which the order will be considered to be generated in the next day.
Cash on Delivery Amounts Policy is applicable on all orders.
Courier Service
This Shipment is available for Card Payment or Bank Deposit Customers Only.
Paid Delivery.
Approximate Shipping Time is 4-5 Days.
Note: In case of unavailability of the product, company is liable to refund the full amount between 7 - 21 working days.
Note: Company reserves the rights to change the product price at anytime. Orders placed on Cash on Delivery will be delivered on the New Price even the orders confirmation on previous MRP.
Note: Company reserves the rights to change the product price at anytime. Orders placed on Advance Payment (Bank Transfer/Credit Card) will be delivered on the receipt value.